Show Notes
"It is finished." In his last breath, Jesus uttered these words signaling his completion of his work on earth. Listen through this episode to hear more about what Lance has to say on the burial of Jesus and what he accomplished in life.
"It is finished." In his last breath, Jesus uttered these words signaling his completion of his work on earth. Listen through this episode to hear more about what Lance has to say on the burial of Jesus and what he accomplished in life.
September 16, 2022
Malachi 2:1-16 This section of Malachi focuses on the Lord's rebuke against his people and continues in the theme of God's grief as a...
September 16, 2022
Zechariah 7-9 "Thus says the Lord." In contrast to the first few chapters of Zechariah, chapters 7-9 offers a much more direct message from...
August 26, 2022
Daniel 8 Lance discusses more on the sovereignty of God found throughout Daniel and comments on the visions and prophecies in chapter 8. Website